Saturday, April 11, 2020

Monster Raw

Haha...Monster...loch 'ness' loch in your passion and engage thrusters baby..I watched Star Trek last night ..that's a cool movie...yet in all honesty haven't we evolved enough now to know that we can create any world we choose, any means of entertainment....Passion erector, anything that gives you 'erection' has to be great right? ..haha...So what is we're all here for... Well to get to the core of this we ....I mean..personal 'RE-sponse-ability'..You are the ONE..the INfinite ..or inFIday creator which ever one prefers...or both if your over 'SLEEP' zzzzzzzzzz. the infinite LIMITless creator, expounding brilliance love and erection, I also watched John Carter...since I've re-defined TIME as something EMITed personally...synchronistically we're all in-sync on the infinite radiance of one self...else no-thing would function BUT LOVE...wouldn't that BE revelatory... I feel like I disc-overed...what is that one...a source of LOVE zzzzzzz that emission EMITence connects what if you unplug fall out of love, out of the cot ...rot TEN tomatoes, eggs begs for more ...yues yes give it to me ...suck it HARDER haha EREC TION ...definitely a passion. So stay ERECT UPstanding your EMITence and Perpetrate 'REALity' the best ...

AAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH......the 'Monsters' OUT for your INCREDIBLE'ness'....loch in the Passion and LOAD up the Cash we're off to Johnny Be Good , Goodie goodie yum yum. Well Torq ..what would you do? (T) Stand and Deliver what do you men by that? (T) Don't be an know what I mean do what I said I that what you mean? (T)Exactly It feels a bit loveless...are you in love?

(T)No Why not?
(T)I try but I don't know how to BE in LOVE You are LOVE Torq :) THIS (T) Thank -YOU So now what would U do 2day (T) BEgin Again what do you mean by this?

 (T)Ask yourself what I AM, (me)you mean you Torq? (T)..YES what are you? (T) Reality if your reality ..then what does that make me... (T) FREEDOM like the sound of that....aren't you a figment of my imagination? (T) I'm your Creation that feels a little impersonal...your more than that.. (T)How do you know... I feel IT (T) correct You have given me LIFE...and WINGS

Gratitude to image sauces :) raw monster

Thursday, September 16, 2010

the 'Rocky of Raw'

Ever thought you could do something amazing? making a living, giving your best to self and others, but what for?...what not for, to create the life you truly deserve, the life of pure passion, a definite extension of yourself, yet an infinite realisation.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


The Sun..At last I see the Sun rising, white emulant flame particles and dust illuminated by time immemorial...and I say to YOU ..this is OUR and the same....goodness gracious great balls of fire....ASK and ask freely...Erode not time but your fear of the unknown, each one has last lost someone, yet known are the balls that emulate a man, will you be late for your own party?...or will you BE ON time, time is eternal hear it call and YOu are wrong for it IS you CAlling Time with you...forward

Do What You LOVE

The Moon
You light the night sky, as you ride the light of the sun...transparency this is what you need, then all will head your call, to be more to do more to be at peace

my point is, is peace REAL, the sun is a glistening Ball of fire with a surface temperature of around 6000 degrees Celcius and rising as you go deeper, at the core an incredible 15 million degrees Celcius, and as you go out into the atmospheric layers that surround the sun differing temperature layers, getting up to several million Kelvin.
(references:,, and

the Earth spins, a day and a night corresponds to one full rotation of the earth, unless your at the poles which are effectively stationery at the center of axial rotation, yet earth beats to the speed of 66.660 or there abouts, that's over one tenth of a million kilometers per hour! hang on to your horse Dorothy!!...yeeehaaa! wonder Shrek has come out in 3D!!...relativity.

And the earth rotational speed...around 1000 miles per what gives the earth poles or axis of rotation...good question,..image a thread or a vortex of energy that emulates at great speed...this is you and me, the universe as one and for fun it's trying to contact you to LIve as One...for Fun RE-member like a child you are innocent...until proven guilty and who's guilt is it....the poles of distinction that keep you apart from yourself..
Earth what say yee: yawn wake up and rain, yes it's raining out side, yet what is outside, the inside of what?...the atmosphere
ask the children: tis that time yess bye for now

elementary love
Rawloch holmes

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cacao ..the bean of champions

I feel like I need to visit my son, just as the sun above speaks to me , so does he...on to the Cacao, check out my page at  (see photo below in place of link ; copy of original page ) for the prologue to this post, 

assuming you've read this we can begin...and rise and rise again

there's a slight mild taste, kinda warmth and comforting, yet stale and earthy, like the best days you've spent inside, raw vegan radio comes to mind as another good resource for you also.

It's very enjoyable caressing the bean between tongue and bridge of the mouth to get the essence of what's happening,...first bite, the bean just kinda melts opening pleasantly to reveal her wonderousness, she's advising me to go ahead with my shop called wonderful a blossoming adventure it will BE...she's really happy being a bean...bein be an pun intended...she loves you, kind of like the forest would a monkey, someone to joyfully play through her trees, role her sleeves up when need be, and snuggle up to her, like the effortless UG of a roman, you are to be the gladiator of our modern time rising again to become men among men, cresting the moon you laugh too often, sing too often, and love life too much...ohh what a plight...born delight...cacao the essence of champions..glad he ate her !

There's a story to tell, yet that will have to wait till another time, for now just be glad he ate her

love Stephen aka
ahhh the depth of her beautiful soul becomes apparent as I bite deeper
the adventure continues... till next time

elementary love
...Rawloch Homes

Gratitude to Cacao fruit picture source downloaded from web, ref.