Do What You LOVE
The Moon
You light the night sky, as you ride the light of the sun...transparency this is what you need, then all will head your call, to be more to do more to be at peace
my point is, is peace REAL, the sun is a glistening Ball of fire with a surface temperature of around 6000 degrees Celcius and rising as you go deeper, at the core an incredible 15 million degrees Celcius, and as you go out into the atmospheric layers that surround the sun differing temperature layers, getting up to several million Kelvin.
(references:,, and
the Earth spins, a day and a night corresponds to one full rotation of the earth, unless your at the poles which are effectively stationery at the center of axial rotation, yet earth beats to the speed of 66.660 or there abouts, that's over one tenth of a million kilometers per hour! hang on to your horse Dorothy!!...yeeehaaa! wonder Shrek has come out in 3D!!...relativity.
And the earth rotational speed...around 1000 miles per what gives the earth poles or axis of rotation...good question,..image a thread or a vortex of energy that emulates at great speed...this is you and me, the universe as one and for fun it's trying to contact you to LIve as One...for Fun RE-member like a child you are innocent...until proven guilty and who's guilt is it....the poles of distinction that keep you apart from yourself..
Earth what say yee: yawn wake up and rain, yes it's raining out side, yet what is outside, the inside of what?...the atmosphere
ask the children: tis that time yess bye for now
elementary love
Rawloch holmes